When should you consider our Excel Mentoring Service? (similar to Training Services)
Your staff are not finding the time to explore
Excel on their own – Excel has many powerful features that shorten development
and provide more robust and effective solutions, but due to time
pressures or comfort level,
your staff stick with modeling techniques they know
Your staff retained little of what they
learned on more generic Excel courses
Your staff need to be better at designing more
maintainable models on the fly – resulting in models completed sooner
(due to less debugging), and less redesign or living with
fragile models when the model starts to be used routinely
Excel Mentoring Service
We will connect on a regular basis and work with particular staff on a one-on-one basis
We observe how they are using Excel and what
problems and issues they are facing
We provide specific training and coaching to
improve effectiveness and efficiency.
These sessions can be handled online - using
desktop sharing services
Sessions are based on observations of their actual
use of Excel, so many inefficient user intreactions can be highlighted – observation provides insight that is not availability through other
methods, such as model review and classroom discussions
With the sessions being short and tailored for
a specific individual, the benefits are often far greater than those
achieved in classroom-style training
Topics covered are ones that are relevant to
your staff's use of Excel
Examples that resonate with your staff as they
will be drawn from their actual working models
Follow-up sessions ensure the concepts are understood
and have become integral to their modeling skills